Aarhus University; Faculty of Science & Technology, Department of Food Science, Science Team Food Quality Perception and Society (FQS) (Denmark)
Organisational form: university (public sector)
Focus on: food, agriculture
Major activities: applied and basic research, education, training, consulting, governmental advisory role
The Science Team Food Quality Perception & Society (FQS) at Aarhus University
The science teams focus is understanding food quality and perception via a synergy of multisensory human food analysis, experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience, in the design and development of high quality, better-tasting, more stimulating, more memorable, and healthier food and drink experiences. We work with different product categories across the food chain, from primary production to food processing and on to eating and retailing scenarios with the consumer.
Our outcome areas are a determination of the sensory and physiological effect of the intake of food products and constituents in relation to human health with a specific focus on, e.g. sensory specific satiety, sweetness reduction, dietary protein enhancement, lipid reduction and substitution. Enhancing knowledge about the ways in which variation in foods, contexts and individuals affect consumers’ attitudes, hedonic eating experience and intake.
Research Platform
Methodologies include the application, development and evaluation of unique approaches to measure and analyse food properties based on human perception from a mind and mouth perspective. FQS has a professional; trained and tested sensory panel and a ISO-approved sensory laboratory. Qualitative and quantitative consumer studies are utilised to elucidate consumers’ reactions to foods before and after food intake and with repeated use.
Core to FQS is the synergy of human sensory measurements with onsite instrumental techniques i.e. GC-MS/GC-O/HPLC/LC-MS/NMR equipment to evaluate aroma and bioactive compounds and metabolites. Partnerships at AU-FOOD also provide access to capabilities in fMRI, EEG, endocrinology, nanoscience, psychology, and marketing, enabling the positioning of the science team in true multidisciplinary research as exemplified by FQS's existing project portfolio.
For more information please visit our website