isi, Germany

Organisational form: private

Focus on: food products, fabric care, cosmetics, other non-food products

Major activities: sensory analysis in the innovation process; management of the interface between R&D and Marketing


The “Institute for Sensory Research and Innovation Consultancy (ISI) GmbH” has been founded in 1995. Since then, it has developed to one of Germany’s leading research institute specialised in high professional Sensory Research.

The philosophy of ISI GmbH is to advance basic research in the Sensory Science and to apply these findings in the practice. We see ourselves as “problem-solvers”, providing not only individually tailored solutions but also state-of-the-art sensory methods. Our spectrum ranges from the recruitment and training of customer-exclusive Descriptive Panels over Affective Consumer Tests up to Qualitative Research with tasting sessions.

By statistically correlating consumers´ acceptance data with descriptive product profiles and physicochemical information, we are able to establish a functional relationship among recipe parameters, the thereby evolved sensory perception and the resulting liking. This information can be used not only to develop food products which feature higher market success rates but also to reveal the consumers´ ideal profile with respect to the respective product category.




Robert Möslein
isi GmbH & Co. KG
Marketing Research & Consulting
Ascherberg 2
37124 Göttingen-Rosdorf

Robert.Moeslein [at]