University of Copenhagen; Faculty of Sciences, Department of Food Science, Sensory Science (Denmark)

Organisational form: University (public sector)

Focus on: Food, agriculture

Major activities: Applied and basic research; Education; Training; Consulting


The Section for Sensory and Consumer Science was formed in 1996 at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, now University of Copenhagen. The section has about 20 people (15 academic research staff, and 5 technical and administrative staff) linked to the sensory research programmes and education in Food Science as well as the master education in Food Innovation and Health, which replaces the earlier European Sensory Science specialisation.

The Section is part of the Department of Food Science (FOOD), which also includes research sections for:

  • Biochemistry and Bioprocessing
  • Dairy, Meat and Plant Product Technology
  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Microbiology
  • Spectroscopy and Chemometrics

The Section performs research at the intersection between foods and people with focus on sensory perception, acceptance and choice behaviour. Current research addresses sensory and appetitive aspects of foods for health and well-being in children, elderly and malnourished persons.
The research infrastructure includes laboratories and expertise for a range of sensory product evaluations including (fast) product profiling, sensory meal design and large scale consumer studies, as well as preference tests, school interventions and cross-cultural comparisons.
The section also runs a “Taste and Smell” unit for fundamental and applied studies into perception, affective programming and dietary intake behaviour. The unit combines controlled taste/odour delivery devices with brain scanning (EEG) and other electrophysiological analysis.

For more information please visit our website


Prof. Dr. Wender Bredie
University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Science
Department of Food Science
Section for Sensory and Consumer Science
Rolighedsvej 30, 5th floor
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C

tel. +45-35 33 32 42