The art and science of storytelling

Improve your storytelling skills with the help of this ESN keynote talk by Sam Knowles, author of "Narrative by Numbers".

28 April 2020. We are scientists, statisticians and researchers. We love data. But sometimes it is difficult to explain our research and its results to people who are not as data driven as we are. How can we translate our results to people outside of science, to managers, CEOs, product developers, clients, journalists, friends? The answer is simple: via stories.

But how do you turn data into stories? During our last meeting, we wanted to deepen our understanding of storytelling. We invited Dr. Sam Knowles, the author of the book “Narrative by Numbers: How to Tell Powerful & Purposeful Stories with Data”. Dr. Knowles has a background in science, literature, consulting, and consumer research.

After the talk, ESN members took over the stage and presented their research as thrilling, exciting, funny, and unusual stories. We definitively improved our storytelling skills. Usually, we post the keynote talks from our meetings only on the ESN intranet, but because of these unusual times, we want to give everybody a chance to profit from our meetings. That is why we made Sam Knowles’ talk public on ESN youtube. Enjoy and subscribe!