User-oriented innovation in the food sector: relevant streams of research and an agenda for future work?
K GRUNERT, B JENSEN, A SONNE, K BRUNSO, D BYRNE, C CLAUSEN, A FRIIS, L HOLM, G HYLDIG, N KRISTENSEN (2008) (Trends in Food Science & Technology) Volume 19, 590 - 602.
A review of ingredients, physiological mechanisms and measurements involved in the enhancement of satiation
Thomas SD, Chapman SJ (2008) (CCFRA Review) Volume 60.
Breastfeeding and experience with variety early in weaning increase infants’ acceptance of new foods for up to two months
Maier AS, Chabanet C, Schaal B, Leathwood PD, Issanchou SN (2008) (Clinical Nutrition) Volume 27, 849-857.
Comparison of affective rating scales and their relationship to variables reflecting food consumption
Tuorila H, Huotilainen A, Lähteenmäki L, Ollila S, Tuomi-Nurmi S, Urala N (2008) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 19, 51-61.
Effects of Sorghum Type and Milling Process on the Sensory Characteristics of Sorghum Porridge
Kebakile MM, Rooney LW, de Kock HL, Taylor JRN (2008) (Cereal Chem.) Volume 85 (Issue 3), 307-313.
Esti M, Moneta E, Sinesio F
Phenolic compounds and sensory attributes of red wine related to winemaking techniques (2008) (Proceeding of XXIV International Conference on Polyphenols. 8-11 July 2008 Salamanca. Spain.), 705-708.
FAMM: from food to meal research on the product aspect of the meal experience
Öström Å, Rapp E, Prim M (2008) (Journal of Foodservice) Volume 19 (Issue 1), 63-68.
Flavour and Texture as Critical Sensory Parameters of Consumer Acceptance of Barley Pasta
Sinesio F, Paoletti F, D’Egidio M.G, Moneta E, Nardo N, Peparaio M, Comendador FJ (2008) (Cereal Food World) Volume 53 (Issue 4), 206-213.
Food memory and its relation with age and liking: an incidental learning experiment with children, young and elderly people
Laureati M, Morin-Audebrand L, Pagliarini E, Sulmont-Rossé C, Köster EP, Mojet J (2008) (Appetite) Volume 51, 273-282.
Frequencies of use and valuation of cereal products among European consumers - Results out of the Health Grain Project
Claupein E, Winkelmann M, Arvola A, Dean M, Vassallo M, Lähteenmäki L, Saba A, Shepherd R (2008) (Cereal Technology) Volume 2, 111-118.
From sensory marketing to sensory design: How to drive formulation using consumer's input?
Raz C, Piper D, Haller R, Nicod H, Dusart N, Giboreau A (2008) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 19 (Issue 8), 719 - 726.
Intervento di educazione alimentare e del gusto per incrementare l’assunzione di ortaggi, legumi, e frutta nei bambini (Testing a nutritional and taste education intervention approach to increase vegetables and fruit consumption among children
D’Addesa D, Martone D, Sinesio F, Marzi V, Comendador FJ, Peparaio M, Cairella G, Panetta V, Sette S (2008) (Annali di Igiene) Volume 20 (Issue 2), 159-169.
Older people and convenience in meal preparation: a European study on understanding their perception towards vegetable soup preparation
Saba A, Messina F, Turrini A, Raats M, Lumbers MM (2008) (International Journal of Consumer Studies) Volume 32 (Issue 2), 147-156.
Predicting intentions to purchase organic food: The role of affective and moral attitudes in the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Arvola A, Vassallo M, Dean M, Lampila P, Saba A, Lahteenmaki L, Shepherd R (2008) (Appetite) Volume 50 (Issue 2), 443-454.
Psychologie und Lebensmittelsensorik
Dürrschmid K (2008) (Journal für Ernährungsmedizin) Volume 2, 15-19.
Quantities of phenolic compounds and their impacts on the perceived flavour attributes of rye grain
Heiniö R-L, Liukkonen K-H, Myllymäki O, Pihlava J-M, Adlercreutz H, Heinonen S-M, Poutanen K (2008) (J Cereal Science) Volume 47, 566-575.
Sensorische Untersuchung von Wellness-Getränken. Sensory Evaluation of Wellness Drinks.
Dürrschmid K, Mayr T, Svacinka R, Jaros D, Rohm H, Kneifel W (2008) (Ernährung / Nutrition) Volume 32 (Issue 3), 104-112.
Sensory design of foods for the elderly
Hall G, Wendin K (2008) (Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism: Suppl. 1) Volume 52, 25-28.
The effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the quality of Honeoye and Korona strawberries
Nielsen T, Leufvén A (2008) (Food Chemistry) Volume 107 (Issue 3), 1053-1063.
The origin of off-odours in packaged rucola (Eruca sativa)
Nielsen T, Bergström B, Borch E (2008) (Food Chemistry) Volume 110 (Issue 1), 96-105.
The senses linking mind and matter
Martens M, Martens H (2008) (Mind & Matter) Volume 6 (Issue 1), 51-86.
Thermal treatments to partially pre-cook and improve the shelf-life of whole pearl millet flour
Nantanga KM, Seetharaman K, de Kock HL, Taylor JRN (2008) (J Sci Food Agric) Volume 88, 1892–1899.
To Buy or no to Buy Organic Food? Societal and Individualistic Drivers as Predictors of Organic Purchasing Revealed through a Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ)-based Inventory
Kristallis A, Vassallo M, Chryssohoidis G, Perrea T (2008) (Journal of Consumer Behaviour) Volume 7 (Issue 2), 164-187.
Variety is the spice of life: Strategies for promoting fruit and vegetable acceptance during infancy.
Mennella JA, Nicklaus S, Jagolino AL, Yourshaw LM (2008) (Physiology & Behavior) Volume 94, 29-38.
I sensi dell’udito e del tatto (The sense of ear and sense of touch)
Comendador FJ, Peparaio M, Moneta E (2008) (“Più ortaggi, legumi e frutta. Educazione alimentare e del gusto nella scuola primaria. Manuale per l’insegnante” (More legumes and fruit. Food and taste education in primary school. Handbook for the teacher) Ed. BetMultimedia. Roma, 2008, Chap).
Guidelines for the motivation of sensory panels within the workplace
Kapparis E, Pfeiffer JC, Gilbert CC (2008) (CCFRA Guideline No. 57).
Enzymes as a tool to characterize cereal flavour and chemistry
Selinheimo E, Heiniö RL, Lehtinen P, Kaukovirta-Norja A, Poutanen K, Buchert J (2008) (5th European Symposium on Enzymes in Grain Processing (esEGP5) Norwich, UK, 31 March – 2 April. Poster & abstract in proceedings.).
(Bio)technical tools to tailor cereal flavour
Heiniö RL, Buchert J, Kaukovirta-Norja A, Myllymäki O, Katina K, Lehtinen P, Selinheimo E, Poutanen K (2008) (Proceedings of Consumer driven cereal innovation: Where science meets industry. Weegels, P.L., Courtin, C.M., Arrachid, A. & Silvestri, M. AACC International, Inc., Minnesota, USA, 1-23.).
Le sensazioni gusto-olfatto (taste-odour sensations)
Sinesio F (2008) (“Più ortaggi, legumi e frutta. Educazione alimentare e del gusto nella scuola primaria”, Manuale per l’Insegnante. (More legumes and fruit. Food and taste education in primary school. Handbook for the teacher) Roma: INRAN, 2008. Chapter 7, pp. ).
Öffnungsfreundliche Verpackungen – kriegen Sie das auf?
Åström A, Heiniö R-L (2008) (DLG Test, Lebensmittel (2008), 18-20).
Practical guidelines for monitoring on-going job performance of sensory descriptive panellists
Pfeiffer JC, Kapparis E, Gilbert CC (2008) (CCFRA Guideline No. 58.).
Preparing meals in later life
Pfau C, Saba A (2008) (Food for the Aging population, Edited by Raats M., ija Van Staveren W, and de Groot L., UK, 2008, Chap. 27, pp: 560-579, Woodhead Publishing Ltd).
Sensorik - mehr als eine Wissenschaft
Dürrschmid K (2008) (Verein Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologen, Geschmackssache - mehr als eine Wissenschaft, Wien).
Sensory and Quality Properties of Packaged Meat
O’Sullivan MG, Kerry JP (2008) (Chapter 30, Improving the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh meat. Eds; J P Kerry and D A Ledward. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK).
Sensory description of dark chocolates by consumers.
Thamke I, Dürrschmid K, Rohm H (2008) (WT-FOOD SCI TECHNOL, 2008, 1-6; ISSN 0023-6438).
Sensory Evaluation of Fresh Meat
O’Sullivan MG, Kerry JP (2008) (CH 27 Improving the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh meat. Eds; J P Kerry and D A Ledward. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK).
Structure design for perception of sweetness in food gels
Holm K (2008) (Licentiate thesis, Chalmers University of Technology).
Apprendimento ed esperienza nella costruzione del gusto (Learning and experience in the construction of taste)
Sinesio F (2008) (In “Più ortaggi, legumi e frutta. Educazione alimentare e del gusto nella scuola primaria”, (More legumes and fruit. Food and taste education in primary school. Handbook for the teacher) Roma: INRAN, 2008. Chapter 9, pp. 120-136 (ISBN 978-88-903312-).
Die sensorische Wahrnehmung
Dürrschmid K (2008) (Goetz Hildebrandt, Hrsg., Geschmackswelten. Grundlagen der Lebensmittelsensorik, 10-12; DLG, Frankfurt am Main; ISBN 3769006984).
Il perché dell’educazione del gusto (Why taste education)
Comendador FJ (2008) (“Più ortaggi, legumi e frutta. More legumes and fruit. Educazione alimentare e del gusto nella scuola primaria. Food and taste education in primary school. Handbook for the teacher ”. Ed. BetMultimedia. 2008, Chapter 5, 73-79 (ISBN 978-88-903312-).
L’esperienza visiva: i fondamenti fisiologici e psicologici (Experience of view: physiological and psychological fundaments
Sinesio F (2008) (“Più ortaggi, legumi e frutta. Educazione alimentare e del gusto nella scuola primaria”(More vegetables and fruit. Food and taste education in primary school. Handbook for the teacher). Roma: INRAN, 2008. Chapter 6, pp. 81-88 (ISBN 978-88-903312).
Più ortaggi, legumi e frutta. Educazione alimentare e del gusto nella scuola primaria”. (More vegetables and fruit. Food and taste education in primary school).
Marzi V, D’Addesa D, Sinesio F (2008) (Exercise book. BetMultimedia, 2008. ISBN 978-88-903312-2-0 and ISBN 978-88-903312-1-3).
Sensory testing in the product development process - The Sensory Researcher as a Trusted Advisor
Goldman A, O’Neil E (2008) (Chapter 14, In Earle, M. and Earle, R. (Ed.) Case Studies in Food Product Development. Chapter 14. Woodhead Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-84569-260-5).
Was benötigt man für menschliche Sinneswahrnehmungen?
Dürrschmid K (2008) (Goetz Hildebrandt, Hrsg., Geschmackswelten: Grundlagen der Lebensmittelsensorik, 13-59; DLG, Frankfurt am Main; ISBN 3769006984 ).
Wissen Sensorik. Gustatorische Wahrnehmungen gezielt abwandeln.
Dürrschmid K (2008) (Behr's Verlag, Hamburg, ISBN: 978-3-89947-530-2 ).
A new sensory vocabulary for crisp and crunchy dry model foods
Garmt Dijksterhuis, Hannemieke Luyten, Rene de Wijk, Jos Mojet (2007) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 18, 37 - 50.
Analysis of sensory quality changes during storage of a modified atmosphere packaged meat product (pizza topping) by an electronic nose system
Jannie S. Vestergaard, Magni Martens, Pekka Turkki (2007) (LWT - Food Science and Technology) Volume 40, 1083 - 1094.
Application of an electronic nose system for prediction of sensory quality changes of a meat product (pizza topping) during storage
Jannie S. Vestergaard, Magni Martens, Pekka Turkki (2007) (LWT - Food Science and Technology) Volume 40, 1095 - 1101.
Compensation for age-associated chemosensory losses and its effect on the pleasantness of a custard dessert and a tomato drink
Stefanie Kremer, Johannes H.F. Bult, Jos Mojet, Jan H.A. Kroeze (2007) (Appetite) Volume 48, 96 - 103.
L.W. FRANDSEN, G.B. DIJKSTERHUIS, H. MARTENS, M. MARTENS (2007) (Journal of Sensory Studies) Volume 22, 623 - 638.