Recent publications:

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High-amylose starch-pectin mixed gels - rheological properties, microstructure and sensory perception

Autio K, Kuuva T, Roininen K, Lähteenmäki L (2003) (Journal of Texture Studies) Volume 33, 473-486.

Influence of age and dental status onchewing behaviour studied by EMG recordings during consumption of variousfood samples

Kohyama K, Mioche L, Bourdiol P (2003) (Gerodontology) Volume 20 (Issue 1), 15-23.

Influence of durum wheat cultivar on the sensory profile of the staling rate of “Altamura” bread

Raffo A, Pasqualone A, Sinesio F, Paoletti F, Quaglia G, Simenone R (2003) (European Food Research Technology) Volume 218, 49-55.

Influence of oat ß-glucan preparations on the perception of mouthfeel and on rheological properties in beverage prototypes

Lyly M, Salmenkallio-Marttila M, Suortti T, Autio K, Poutanen K, Lähteenmäki L (2003) (Cereal Chemistry) Volume 80, 536-541.

Influence of packaging material and storage temperature on the sensiry quality of broccoli

Jacobsson A, Nielsen T, Sjöholm I, Wendin K (2003) (Food Quality and Preference).

Le profil sensoriel : les limites d'un savoir-faire empirique

Giboreau A, Dacremont C (2003) (Psychologie Française) Volume 48 (Issue 4), 69-78.

Meat quality and composition of three muscles from French cull cows and young bulls

Dransfield E, Martin J-F, Bauchard D, Abouelkaram S, Lepetit J, Culioli J, Jurie C, Picard B (2003) (Animal Science) Volume 76, 387-399.

Meat texture of commercial lambs from different European production systems

Sañudo C, Alfonso M, Sanchez A, Berge P, Dransfield E, Zygoyiannis D, Stamataris C, Thorkelsson G, Valdimarsdottir T, Piasentier E, Mills C, Nute G R, Fisher A V (2003) (Australian Journal of Agricultural Research) Volume 54, 551-560.

Milling fractionation of rye produces different sensory profiles of both flour and bread.

Heiniö RL, Liukkonen KH, Katina K, Myllymäki O, Poutanen K (2003) (Food Science and Technology) Volume 36, 577-583.

NaCl and sugar release, salivation and taste during mastication of salted chewing gum

Neyraud E, Prinz J, Dransfield E (2003) (Physiol. Behaviour) Volume 79, 731-737.

Perception of melting and flavor release of ice cream containing different types and contents of fat

Hyvönen L, Linna M, Tuorila H, Dijksterhuis G (2003) (Journal of Dairy Science) Volume 86, 1130-1138.

Phenolic Compounds in Red-Berry Skins of UVA di Troia and Bombino Nero Grapes (Viis Vinifera L.)

Tamborra P, Esti M, Minafra M, Sinesio F (2003) (Italian Journal of Food Science) Volume 15 (Issue 3), 347-357.

Physical and sensory properties of law-salt phosphate-free frankfurters composed with various ingredients

Ruusunen M, Vainionpää J, Lyly M, Lähteenmäki L, Niemstö M, Ahvenainen R (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 63, 9-16.

Proficiency testing for sensory ranking panels: Measuring panel performance

McEwan J, Heiniö R L, Hunter E A, Lea P (2003) (Food Quality and Preference ) Volume 14, 247-256.

Protein intake of young and elderly French people living at home

Rousset S, Brandolini M, Martin J F, Droit-Volet S, Bonin D, Lhoutellier P, Simon H, Grandjean V, Boirie Y (2003) (Sciences Des Aliments) Volume 23, 56-60.

Qualità sensoriale di alimenti funzionali a base di cereali minori (Sensory quality of cereal based functional foods)

Comendador F J, Moneta E, Peparaio M, Sinesio F (2003) (Proceeding I° Congresso Nazionale SISS “Ruolo dell’Analisi Sensoriale per la valorizzazione delle produzioni Alimentari Italiane” 13-14 November), 18-22.

Quality Index Method (QIM) Schemedeveloped for Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

Sveinsdóttir K, Hyldig G, Martinsdóttir E, Jørgensen B, Kristbergsson K (2003) (Food Quality and Preferences) Volume 14 (Issue 3), 237-245.

Reasons behind consumers' functional food choices

Urala N, Lähteenmäki L (2003) (Nutrition & Food Science) Volume 33 (Issue 4), 148-158.

Relationship between sensory perception and flavour-active volatile compounds of germinated, sourdough fermented and native rye following the extrusion process

Heiniö RL, Katina K, Wilhelmson A, Myllymäki O, Rajamäki T, Latva-Kala K, Liukkonen KH, Poutanen K (2003) (Food Science and Technology) Volume 36, 533-545.

Repeatability in hedonic sensory measurement: a conceptual exploration

Köster EP, Couronne T, Léon F, Lévy C and Marcelino AS (2003) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 14, 165-176.

Sensory and chemical assessment of pork supplemented with iron and vitamin E.

O'Sullivan M G, Byrne D V, Nielsen J H, Andersen H J, Martens M (2003) (Meat Science) Volume 64, 175-189.

Sensory flavor-texture interactions for custards

de Wijk RA, Rasing F, Wilkinson CL (2003) (Journal of Texture Studies) Volume 34 (Issue 2).

Sensory properties of low fat yoghurts. Part A: Effect of fat content, fermentation culture and addition of non-fat dry milk on the sensory properties of plain yoghurts

Folkenberg D M, Martens M (2003) (Milchwissenschaft-Milk Science International) Volume 58, 48-51.

Sensory properties of low fat yoghurts. Part B: Hedonic evaluations of plain yoghurts by consumers correlated to fat content, sensory profile and consumer attitudes

Folkenberg D M, Martens M (2003) (Milchwissenschaft-Milk Science International) Volume 58, 154-157.

Simple Improvement of Consumer Fit in External Preference Mapping

Faber NM, Mojet J, Poelman AAM (2003) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 14, 455-461.

Sodium chloride and sugar release, salivation and taste during mastication of salted chewing gum

Neyraud E, Prinz J, Dransfield E (2003) (Physiology and Behaviour) Volume 79, 731-737.

Strength of health-related claims and their perceived advantage

Urala N, Arvola A, Lähteenmäki L (2003) (International Journal of Food Science and Technology) Volume 38 (Issue 7), 815-826.

Subtle differences in milk: comparison of an analytical and an affective test

Wolf Frandsen L, Dijksterhuis GB, Brockhoff PB, Martens M (2003) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 14 (Issue 5/6), 515-526.

Taste Perception with Age: Generic or Specific Losses in Supra-threshold Intensities of Five Taste Qualities?

Mojet J, Heidema J, Christ-Hazelhof E (2003) (Chemical Senses) Volume 28 (Issue 5), 397-413.

Texture and mouth-feel of semi-solid foods: Commercial mayonnaises, dressings, custard desserts and warm sauces

Weenen H, Van Gemert LJ, Van Doorn JM, Dijksterhuis GB, De Wijk RA (2003) (Journal of Texture Studies) Volume 34, 159-179.

Texture of semi-solids; sensory and instrumental measurements on vanilla custard desserts

de Wijk RA, van Gemert LJ, Terpstra MEJ, Wilkinson CL (2003) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 14 (Issue 4), 35-317.

The Effect of Nonlinear Distortion on the Perceived Quality of Music and Speech Signals

Tan CT, Moore BCJ, Zacharov N (2003) (Journal of the Audio Engineering Society) Volume 51 (Issue 11), 1012-1031.

The effect of oral and product temperature on the perception of flavor and texture attributes of semi-solids

Engelen L, de Wijk RA, Prinz JF, Janssen AM, Weenen H, Bosman F (2003) (Appetite) Volume 41, 273-281.

The psychology of food choice: some often encountered fallacies

Köster EP (2003) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 14, 359-373 .

The relation between saliva flow after different stimulations and the perception of flavor and texture attributes in custard desserts

Engelen L, de Wijk RA, Prinz JF, Bosman F (2003) (Physiology and Behavior) Volume 78 (Issue 1), 165-169.

The role of intra-oral manipulation in the perception of sensory attributes

de Wijk RA, Prinz JF, & Engelen L (2003) (Appetite) Volume 40 (Issue 1), 1-7.

The use of visible and near-infrared reflectance measurements to assess sensory changes in carrot texture and sweetness during heat treatment

De Belie N, Pedersen D K, Martens M, Bro R, Munck L, De Baedemaeker J (2003) (Biosystems Engineering) Volume 85, 213-225.

Time course of melting and flavor release of ice creams containing different types and levels of fat: a time intensity sensory study

Hyvönen L, Linna M, Tuorila H, Dijksterhuis GB (2003) (Journal of Dairy science) Volume 86, 1130-1138.

Versuche zur Bewertung von Ergebnissen deskriptiver sensorischer Analysen von Orangensäften

Dürrschmid K, Gamper G, Zenz, H (2003) (ernährung / nutrition) Volume 27 (Issue 11), 453-462.

La percezione dinamica dell’amaro e del piccante in olio extra vergine di oliva (Dynamic perception of bitter and pungent sensations in virgin olive oils)

Moneta E, Esti M, Peparaio M, Sinesio F (2003) (Proceeding I° Congresso Nazionale SISS “Ruolo dell’Analisi Sensoriale per la valorizzazione delle produzioni Alimentari Italiane” 13-14 November, Rome p 157-162).

L’avena per un alimento funzionale innovativo. Qualità nutrizionale e sensoriale (Oats for a new functional food product. Nutritional and sensory quality)

Comendador F J, Moneta E, Peparaio M, Raffo A, Sinesio F, Sgrulletta D, De Stefanis E, Redaelli R (2003) (Proceeding I° Congresso Nazionale SISS “Ruolo dell’Analisi Sensoriale per la valorizzazione delle produzioni Alimentari Italiane” 13-14 November, Rome. p 119-122).

Kuluttajien mielikuvat jalostetuista luomutuotteista. Tietoa markkinalähtöisen tuotekehityksen pohjaksi. (Consumer views about processed organic food products. Information for market oriented product development)

Arvola A, Lähteenmäki L (2003) (VTT Tiedotteita 2217. Espoo, Finland.).

Influenza di fattori genetici e di allevamento sulla qualità organolettica di soppressate Lucane (Effect of genetic and breeding factors on organoleptic quality of “Soppressata Lucana” salumi)

Nardo N, Moneta E, Paoletti F, Peparaio M, Sinesio F (2003) (Proceeding I° Congresso Nazionale SISS “Ruolo dell’Analisi Sensoriale per la valorizzazione delle produzioni Alimentari Italiane” 13-14 November, Rome. p 166-169).

European Research in Probiotics and Prebiotics: the PROEUHEALTH –cluster

Mattila-Sandholm T, Lähteenmäki L, Saarela M (2003) (Functional Dairy Products. (Mattila-Sandholm T & Saarela M, eds.) Cambridge: Woodhead Publ. Ltd, pp. 359-377).

Effect of sweetener on release of flavour compounds form chewing gum

Haahr A-M, Pilsgaard C F, Stahnke L H, Bredie W L P, Refsgaard H H F (2003) (Flavour Research at the dawn of the twenty-first century, eds. Le Quere J L, Etievant P X, Intercept Scientific Technic Publishers, London).

Developments of QIM past and future. In Quality of Fish form Catch to Consumer

Martinsdóttir E, Luten JB, Schelvis-Smit AAM, Hyldig G (2003) (Luten JB, Oehlenschläger J, Ólafsdóttir G (Eds. ) Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands).

Development of sensory assessment scale for oral sensation of cold and warmth

Ovejer-Lopez I, Bredie W L P (2003) (Flavour Research at the dawn of the twenty-first century, eds. Le Quere, J.L. and Etievant, P.X., Intercept Scientific Technic Publishers, London, Pp. 297-300 ).

Criteria Influencing Choice of Pork Chops by Korean Consumers

Soohyun Cho, Tania M Ngapo, Eric Dransfield, Beomyoung Park, Jinhyeong Kim, Youngmo Yoo, Sanggi Yun, Jongmoon Lee (2003) (49th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Campinas, Brazil. p. 247-248).

Convalida di metodi sensoriali. Quali criteri? Quali Strumenti? (Validation of sensory data)

Sinesio F (2003) (Proceeding I° Congresso Nazionale SISS “Ruolo dell’Analisi Sensoriale per la valorizzazione delle produzioni Alimentari Italiane” 13-14 November, Rome. p 54-56).

Consumers and health: getting the message across

Lähteenmäki L (2003) (The Food, GI-tract functionality and Human Health Cluster, ProEuHealth Workshop 2 (eds. Kuokka A, Saarela M & Mattila-Sandholm T). VTT Symposium 226, pp. 39-40).
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