Recent publications:

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Monitoring of taints related to printed solid boards with an electronic nose

Heiniö R-L, Ahvenainen R (2001) (Food Contaminants and Additives) Volume (submitted).

Reaction to boar odour by different South African consumer groups

De Kock HL, van Heerden SM, Heinze PH, Dijksterhuis B, Minnaar A (2001) (Meat Science) Volume 59, 353-362.

Relevant measurements of green pea texture

Edelenbos M, Thybo A, Erichsen L, Wienberg L, Andersen L (2001) (Journal of Food Quality) Volume 24, 91-110.

Sensory and chemical analysis of cooked porcine meat patties in relation to warmed-over flavour and pre-slaughter stress

Byrne D V, Bak L S, Bredie W L P, Bertelsen G, Martens H, Martens M (2001) (Meat Science) Volume 59, 229-249.

Sensory Evaluation of walnut: an inter-laboratory study

Sinesio F, Guerrero A, Romero A, Moneta E, Lombard J C (2001) (Food Science and Technology International) Volume 7 (Issue 1), 37 -47.

Sensory panel consistency during development of a vocabulary for warmed-over flavour

Byrne DV, O’Sullivan MG, Dijksterhuis GB, Bredie WLP, Martens M (2001) (Food Quality and Preference.) Volume 12 (Issue 3), 171-187.

Sensory perception of fat in milk

Bom Frøst M, Dijksterhuis GB, Martens M (2001) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 12, 327-336.

Sensory quality criteria for five fish species predicted from Near-Infrared (NIR) reflectance measurement

Warm K, Martens H, Nielsen J, Martens M (2001) (Journal of Food Quality) Volume 24, 389-403.

Taste Perception with Age: Generic or Specific Losses in Threshold Sensitivity to the Five Basic Tastes?

Mojet J, Christ-Hazelhof E, Heidema J (2001) (Chemical Senses) Volume 26, 845-860.

Temporal aspects related to the perception of skatole and androstenone, the major boar odour compounds

De Kock HL, Heinze PH, Potgieter CM, Dijksterhuis GB, Minnaar A (2001) (Meat Science) Volume 57, 61-70.

The influence of olfactory concept on the probability of detecting sub-and perithreshold components in a mixture of odorants

Bult JHF; Schifferstein, HNJ; Roozen JP; Voragen AGJ; Kroeze JHA (2001) (Chemical Senses) Volume 26, 459-469.

Training a sensory panel for TI: a case study

Peyvieux C, Dijksterhuis GB (2001) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 12, 19-28.

Validation of a Texture Simulator

Kjøbæk N, Friis A, Rugholt S, Møller P, Adler-Nissen J (2001) (Annual transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society) Volume 9, 101-104.

Kauran flavorin muokkaaminen bioteknisellä prosessoinnilla (Tuning of oat flavour by biotechnical processing)

Heiniö R.-L. (2001) (Ruoka-Suomi 3, 25).

Kauran biotekninen prosessointi uusiksi elintarvikkeiksi, (Biotechnical processing of oat to new foodstuffs)

Oksman-Caldenty K-M, Kaukovitra-Norja A, Heiniö R-L, Kleemola T, Mikola M, Sontag-Strohm T, Pihlava J-M, Poutanen K (2001) (Salovaara H, Sonntag-Strohm T (Eds), Kaura elinvoimaa. Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön rahoittamat kansallisen kauraohjelman tutkimushankkeet 1998-2000, Helsingin yliopisto, Elintarviketeknologian laitos. EKT -sarja 1221, 85-108).

Kauran biotekninen prosessointi uusiksi elintarvikkeiksi (Biotechnical processing of oat to new foodstuffs)

Oksman-Caldenty K-M, Kaukovitra-Norja A, Heiniö R-L, Kleemola T, Lehtinen P, Mikola M, Sontag-Strohm T, Pihlava J-M, Poutanen K (2001) (Ryhänen E-L, Salo R (Eds), MTTn julkaisuja Sarja A 93. Elintarvikeklusterin tutkimusohjelman loppuraportti, Jokioinen: MTT 2001, 11-22).

In Proceedings of the 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 22-26 July 2001

Saher M, Arvola A, Linderman M, Lähteenmäki L (2001) (Dijon, France. p. 207).

Health claims as promoters of product acceptability.

Arvola A, Urala N, Lähteenmäki L (2001) (Proceedings of the 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 22-26 July 2001. Dijon, France, p. 174).

Germination increased bioactivity and stability of whole grain oat

Kaukovirta-Norja A, Oksman-Caldentey KM, Heiniö RL, Lehtinen P, Pihlava JM, Poutanen K (2001) (Proceedings of International Symposium of Whole Grain and Human Health. Liukkonen K., Kuokka A., Poutanen K. (Eds). 13-15 June 2001, Haikko Manor, Porvoo, Finland. Espoo: VTT 2001. VTT Symposium 213, 96).

Food Neophobia and Variety Seeking - Consumer Fear or Demand for New Food Products

Lähteenmäki L., Arvola A. (2001) (Frewer L J, Risvik E & Schifferstein H (Eds), Food, People and Society. A European Perspective of Consumer Food Choices, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 161-175).

Effect of law-salt diet on the perception of preferred level of sodium in bread and meat products

Lyly M, Lähteenmäki L, Natri AM, Puolanne E (2001) (Proceedings of the 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 22-26 July 2001. Dijon, France. p. 162).

Cross-cultural differences in food choice.

Saba A (2001).

Could sensory methods and results be tested for proficiency as chemical analytical results do?

Barylko-Pikielna N (2001) (M Rothe (ed.), Proceeding of the 6th Wartburg Aroma Symposium (Eisenach, April 10-13, 2000), pp. 129-135. Eigenverlag Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany: Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung, pp. 129-135).

Correlation between perceived flavour and volatile compounds of processed oat

Heiniö R.L., Oksman-Caldentey K.M., Latva-Kala K., Poutanen K. (2001) (Proceedings of International Symposium of Whole Grain and Human Health. Liukkonen K., Kuokka A., Poutanen K. (Eds). 13-15 June 2001, Haikko Manor, Porvoo, Finland. Espoo: VTT 2001. VTT Symposium 213, 125-126).

Consumer attitudes towards risks of new foods

Lähteenmäki L. (2001) (Tuomisto J. & Mykkänen H. (Eds). The International Congress on Food Safety and Toxicology. August 24-25th, 2001. p. 44. (abstract)).

Appropriateness as a cognitive-contextual measure of food attitudes

Martens M, Schutz H G (2001) (Food, People and Society: a European perspective of consumers' food choices. Eds. Frewer, L., Risvik, E., and Schifferstein, H.N.J. Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 247-266).

Meat texture transformation during mastication

Monier S, Bourdiol P, Mioche L (2001) (4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Dijon. France).

Microstructure and texture of processed oat

Salmenkallio-Marttila M, Heiniö R-L, Myllymäki O, Autio K, Poutanen K (2001) (Proceedings of the 92nd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. May 13-16, 2001, Minneapolis, USA).

Microstructure of oats and oat products

Salmenkallio-Marttila M, Heiniö R-L, Myllymäki O, Autio K, Poutanen K (2001) (Proceedings of the 3rd European Oat Conference. 17-18 May 2001, Uppsala, Sweden).

Modelling of calcium chloride and pectin methylesterase prefreezing treatments of strawberries and jams

Suutarinen J, Honkapää K, Heiniö R-L, Lyly M, Mustranta A, Liukkonen-Lilja H, Mokkila M (2001) (Journal of Food Science. JFS-2001-0163).

Multivariate Analysis of Quality - An Introduction

Martens H, Martens M (2001) (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK (445 pages)).

Pane di grano duro arricchito con granella immatura

Comandador F J, Sinesio F, Paoletti F, Moneta E (2001).

Present situation of the foods with new mouthfeels in Finland

Autio K, Lähteenmäki L (2001) (New Eating Texture Encyclopedia. Nishinari, K. (Ed.). Science Forum Inc., Tokyo, 131-136 (in Japanese)).

Prodotti ittici: preferenze e percezione dei consumatori. (Fish products: preferences and perceptions of consumers)

Catone T, Nardo N, Sinesio F (2001) (Rivista Italiana di Scienza dell\).

Proficiency testing for sensory profile tests : statistical guidelines - Part 2

CCFRA (2001) (R&D Report 127).

Proficiency testing for sensory ranking tests : statistical guidelines - Part 2

CCFRA (2001) (R&D Report 126).

Relationship between bolus properties and chewing activity

Mioche L, Bourdiol P, Monier S (2001) (4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Dijon. France).

Sensory characteristics of industrially manufactured apple aroma condensates

Matuszewska I, Barylko-Pikielna N, Szczecinska A, Skapska S (2001) (Rothe M (Ed.): proceedings of the 6th Wartburg Aroma Symposium (Eisenach, April 10-13, 2000), Eigenverlag Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany: Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung, pp. 380-383 ).

Sensory evaluation of fish freshness. A reference manual for the fish industry

Martinsdóttir E, Sveinsdottir K, Luten J, Schelvis-Smit R, Hyldig G (2001) (QIM-Eurofish, Ijumiden, The Netherlands, 49 pages).

Stability and change in food liking: food preferences in the two Germany’s after the reunification

Köster EP, Rummel C, Kornelson C, Benz KH (2001) (Rothe, M (Ed): Flavour 2000: Perception, Release, Evaluation, Formation, Acceptance, Nutrition and Health Rhothe, Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany, 237-254 ).

The effect of different prefreezing treatments on the quality factors of strawberry jams

Suutarinen J, Honkapää K, Heiniö R-L, Lyly M, Autio K, Mustranta A, Karppinen S, Kiutamo T, Liukkonen-Lilja H, Mokkila M (2001) (Journal of Food Science. JFS-2001-0119).

The effect of fractioning on sensory quality of liquid smoke preparation fractions

Kostyra E, Borys A, Barylko-Pikielna N (2001) (M. Rothe (Ed.): proceedings of the 6th Wartburg Aroma Symposium (Eisenach, April 10-13, 2000), Eigenverlag Bergholz-Rehbrücke, Germany: Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung, pp. 370-373).

The effect of information on the assessment of sweetness and bitterness in two soft drink products

CCFRA (2001) (R&D Report 123).

The role of consumer expectations in food choice : a literature review

CCFRA (2001) (CCFRA Review No. 24).

Tuning the oat flavour by proceeding

Heiniö RL, Oksman-Caldentey KM, Latva-Kala K, Poutanen K (2001) (Proceedings of the 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 22-26 July 2001. Dijon, France. p. 226).

Uusien terveysvaikutteisten elintarvikkeiden hyväksyttävyys (Acceptability of new functional food products)

Lähteenmäki L, Isoniemi M, Urala N, Ryhänen EL (2001) (Ryhänen E.L., Salo R., (Eds) MTT Julkaisuja Sarja A93. Elintarvikeklusterin tutkimusohjelman loppuraportti. MTT 2001, 61-66).

Vähäsuolaisia lihavalmisteita kaivataan. Lehtipihvi 1. (Low-salt meat products are needed)

Urala N, Arvola A, Lähteenmäki L (2001).

Variation in salivary flow evaluated in different stimulation contexts

Bourdiol P, Monier S, Mioche L (2001) (4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Dijon. France).

Meat Appearance: Pork chops

Dransfield E, Martin J F, Miramont J, Ngapo T (2001) (A tool for surveying consumer preferences.ISBN 2-7380-0976-X, INRA, France).

An international study on the importance of androstenone and skatole for boar taint: IV. Simulation studies on consumer dissatisfaction with entire male pork and the effect of sorting out carcasses on the slaughter line, main conclusions and recommendatio

Bonneau M., Walstra P, Claudi-Magnussen C, Kempster AJ, Tornberg E, Fischer K, Diestre A, Siret F, Chevillon P, Claus R, Dijksterhuis GB, Punter P, Matthews KR, Agerhem H, Beague MP, Oliver MA, Gispert M, Weiler U, Von Seth G et al. (2000) (Meat Science) Volume 54, 285-295.
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