Recent publications:

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The role and requirements of digestible dietary carbohydrates in infants and toddlers

A Stephen, M Alles, C de Graaf, M Fleith, E Hadjilucas, E Isaacs, C Maffeis, G Zeinstra, C Matthys, A Gil (2012) (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition) Volume 66, 765 - 779. doi:10.1038/ejcn.2012.27

The role of novelty detection in food memory

Léri Morin-Audebrand, Jos Mojet, Claire Chabanet, Sylvie Issanchou, Per Møller, Ep Köster, Claire Sulmont-Rossé (2012) (Acta Psychologica) Volume 139, 233 - 238. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2011.10.003

Cross-cultural conceptualization of the words Traditional and Innovation in a food context by means of sorting task and hedonic evaluation

Luis Guerrero, Anna Claret, Wim Verbeke, Filiep Vanhonacker, Géraldine Enderli, Claire Sulmont-Rossé, Margrethe Hersleth, Maria Dolors Guàrdia (2012) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 25, 69 - 78. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2012.01.008

Effect of soy flour addition and heat-processing method on nutritional quality and consumer acceptability of cassava complementary porridges

Penina N Muoki, Henriëtte L de Kock, Mohammad Naushad Emmambux (2012) (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture) Volume 92, 1771 - 1779. doi:10.1002/jsfa.5545

Perceived relevance and foods with health-related claims

M. Dean, P. Lampila, R. Shepherd, A. Arvola, A. Saba, M. Vassallo, E. Claupein, M. Winkelmann, L. Lähteenmäki (2012) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 24, 129 - 135. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2011.10.006

Use of enzymes to elucidate the factors contributing to bitterness in rye flavour

Raija-Liisa Heiniö, Emilia Nordlund, Kaisa Poutanen, Johanna Buchert (2012) (Food Research International) Volume 45, 31 - 38. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.10.006

The usefulness of Schwartz's ‘Values Theory’ in understanding consumer behaviour towards differentiated products

Athanasios Krystallis, Marco Vassallo, George Chryssohoidis (2012) (Journal of Marketing Management) Volume 28, 1438 - 1463. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2012.715091

Undesirable Sulphur and Carbonyl Flavor Compounds in UHT Milk: A Review

Alex Zabbia, Elna M. Buys, Henriette L. De Kock (2012) (Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition) Volume 52, 21 - 30. doi:10.1080/10408398.2010.487166

Welcome to Flavour

Peter J Barham, Per Møller (2012) (Flavour) Volume 1, 1. doi:10.1186/2044-7248-1-1

Variety and overeating: comments on long-term habituation to food

P. Moller, E. P. Koster (2012) (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) Volume 95, 981 - 981. doi:10.3945/ajcn.111.031617

Food aroma affects bite size

René A de Wijk, Ilse A Polet, Wilbert Boek, Saskia Coenraad, Johannes HF Bult (2012) (Flavour) Volume 1, 3. doi:10.1186/2044-7248-1-3

Effect of a holistic meal and ambiance concept on main meal enjoyment and food intake of Dutch nursing home residents: A pilot study

Kremer S, Derks J, Nijenhuis-De Vries M, Boer EPJ, Gorselink M (2012) (Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice) Volume 1 (Issue 3), 237-244.

Effects of nutrition strategy on the levels of nutrients and bioactive compounds in blackberries

Ali L, Alsanius BW, Rosberg AK, Svensson B, Nielsen T, Olsson M (2012) (European Food Research and Technology) Volume 234 (Issue 1), 33-44.

El Análisis Sensorial en el sector cervecero. Algunas claves para el éxito.

Lorente M, Sánchez MJ (2012) (Cerveza y Malta) Volume 195, 11-16.

Flops analysis: a useful tool for future innovations (Part 1)

Köster EP, Mojet J (2012) (AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH ) Volume 23 (Issue 1), 6-8 .

Formaggi ovini tradizionali dell’Irpinia: qualità sensoriale e confronto con alcuni rinomati pecorini DOP (Irpinia traditional sheep's milk cheeses: sensory quality and comparison with DOP pecorino cheese)

Comendador FJ, Moneta E, Peparaio M (2012) (Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero-Casearia) Volume 63 (Issue 1), 41-51.

Nuevas formas de administración de soluciones salinas (rehidratación oral) en el tratamiento de la gastroenteritis aguda: estudio organoléptico, prospectivo y controlado, de satisfacción

Polanco Allué I, Sánchez Climent MJ, Castro Millán A, Alonso Vicente C (2012) (Acta Pediatr Esp.) Volume 70 (Issue 3), 87-92.

Free Association Profiling of Sound Logos: An Exploratory Study

Ramsgaard J, Le Ray G, Winther J, Beckmann S (2012) (In Audio Branding Academy (ABA) Yearbook, Nomos.).

Challenges to read and understand information on pharmaceutical packages

Rusko E, van der Waarde K, Heiniö RL (2012) (18th IAPRI World Packaging Conference, USA, 18 - 21 June 2012, 79–85).

Packaging of (fresh and frozen) pork

O’Sullivan MG, Kerry JP (2012) (Chapter 4 Handbook of Meat, Poultry and Seafood Quality. Ed Leo, M.L. Nollet. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,Oxford, Uk).

SenseLabOnline listening test on sound insulation of walls - A feasibility study

Pedersen TH, (2012) (DELTA report SenseLab 012/12).

Einfluss der Vorurteile westdeutscher Konsumenten auf die Beurteilung der Qualität ostdeutscher Marken

Glassl S, Scharf A (2012) (Baumgarth, C./Boltz, D.-M. (Hrsg.): Impulse für die Markenpraxis und Markenforschung, Wiesbaden, ISBN-10: 3658004266).

Nutritional quality and antioxidant activity of marama–sorghum composite flours and porridges

Eugénie Kayitesi, Henriette L. de Kock, Amanda Minnaar, Kwaku Gyebi Duodu (2012) (Food Chemistry) Volume 131, 837 - 842. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.09.055

A method to measure the effect of food appearance factors on children’s visual preferences

H. Kildegaard, A. Olsen, G. Gabrielsen, P. Møller, A.K. Thybo (2011) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 22, 763 - 771. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2011.06.009

Alliesthesia is greater for odors of fatty foods than of non-fat foods

Jane Plailly, Ninhda Luangraj, Sophie Nicklaus, Sylvie Issanchou, Jean-Pierre Royet, Claire Sulmont-Rossé (2011) (Appetite) Volume 57, 615 - 622. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2011.07.006

Assessment of evaluations made to healthy eating policies in Europe: a review within the EATWELL Project

Federico JA Pérez-Cueto, Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Bhavani Shankar, José Brambila-Macias, Tino Bech-Larsen, Mario Mazzocchi, Sara Capacci, Anna Saba, Aida Turrini, Barbara Niedzwiedzka, Beata Piorecka, Agniezska Kozio?-Kozakowska, Josephine Wills, W Bru (2011) (Public Health Nutrition) Volume 15, 1489 - 1496. doi:10.1017/S1368980011003107

Beef stock reduction with red wine – Effects of preparation method and wine characteristics

Pia Snitkjær, Jens Risbo, Leif H. Skibsted, Susan Ebeler, Hildegarde Heymann, Kirsty Harmon, Michael B. Frøst (2011) (Food Chemistry) Volume 126, 183 - 196. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.10.096

Comparison of sensory specific satiety and sensory specific desires to eat in children and adults

Annemarie Olsen, Christian Ritz, Ditte L. Hartvig, Per Møller (2011) (Appetite) Volume 57, 6 - 13. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2011.03.009

Consumers’ acceptance of innovations in dry-cured ham: Impact of reduced salt content, prolonged aging time and new origin

Margrethe Hersleth, Valérie Lengard, Wim Verbeke, Luis Guerrero, Tormod Næs (2011) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 22, 31 - 41. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2010.07.002

Consumers’ acceptance of innovations in traditional cheese. A comparative study in France and Norway

Valérie Lengard Almli, Tormod Næs, Géraldine Enderli, Claire Sulmont-Rossé, Sylvie Issanchou, Margrethe Hersleth (2011) (Appetite) Volume 57, 110 - 120. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2011.04.009


HELENE C. REINBACH, BODIL ALLESEN-HOLM, LARS KRISTOFFERSSON, WENDER L.P. BREDIE (2011) (Journal of Sensory Studies) Volume 26, 118 - 127. doi:10.1111/j.1745-459X.2011.00328.x

Do facial reactions add new dimensions to measuring sensory responses to basic tastes?

Karin Wendin, Bodil H. Allesen-Holm, Wender L.P. Bredie (2011) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 22, 346 - 354. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2011.01.002

Effect of gender on meat quality in lamb from extensive and intensive grazing systems when slaughtered at the end of the growing season

Vibeke Lind, Jan Berg, Svein Morten Eilertsen, Margrethe Hersleth, Lars Olav Eik (2011) (Meat Science) Volume 88, 305 - 310. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2011.01.008

Effect of high-pressure processing on volatile composition and odour of cherry tomato purée

Kaarina Viljanen, Martina Lille, Raija-Liisa Heiniö, Johanna Buchert (2011) (Food Chemistry) Volume 129, 1759 - 1765. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.06.046

Enhancing the Sensory Quality of Vegetables by Decreasing Some Less-Desired Sensory Properties With Low-Fat Pork Gravy

Lene Meinert, Michael B. Frøst, Camilla Bejerholm, Margit D. Aaslyng (2011) (Journal of Culinary Science & Technology) Volume 9, 113 - 131. doi:10.1080/15428052.2011.584496

Evaluation of the functional quality of cowpea-fortified traditional African sorghum foods using instrumental and descriptive sensory analysis

Joseph O. Anyango, Henriëtte L. de Kock, John R.N. Taylor (2011) (LWT - Food Science and Technology) Volume 44, 2126 - 2133. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2011.07.010

Flavor in Processing New Oat Foods

Heinio (2011) (Cereal Foods World). doi:10.1094/CFW-56-1-0021

General image and attribute perceptions of traditional food in six European countries

Valérie Lengard Almli, Wim Verbeke, Filiep Vanhonacker, Tormod Næs, Margrethe Hersleth (2011) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 22, 129 - 138. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2010.08.008

Impact of refreshing perception on mood, cognitive performance and brain oscillations: An exploratory study

D. Labbe, N. Martin, J. Le Coutre, J. Hudry (2011) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 22, 92 - 100. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2010.08.002

Incidental learning and memory for food varied in sweet taste in children

M. Laureati, E. Pagliarini, J. Mojet, E.P. Köster (2011) (Food Quality and Preference) Volume 22, 264 - 270. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2010.11.002

Manipulating fat content of familiar foods at test-meals does not affect intake and liking of these foods among children

Annemarie Olsen, Christopher van Belle, Karol Meyermann, Kathleen L. Keller (2011) (Appetite) Volume 57, 573 - 577. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2011.07.007

Motivation for choice and healthiness perception of calorie-reduced dairy products. A cross-cultural study

Susanne Bølling Johansen, Tormod Næs, Margrethe Hersleth (2011) (Appetite) Volume 56, 15 - 24. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2010.11.137

Odor-Evoked Autobiographical Memories: Age and Gender Differences Along the Life Span

G. M. Zucco, L. Aiello, L. Turuani, E. Koster (2011) (Chemical Senses) Volume 37, 179 - 189. doi:10.1093/chemse/bjr089

Olfactory working memory: effects of verbalization on the 2-back task

Fredrik U. Jönsson, Per Møller, Mats J. Olsson (2011) (Memory & Cognition) Volume 39, 1023 - 1032. doi:10.3758/s13421-011-0080-5

Packaging Off-flavour Detection Ability of Two Food Simulants

Gunnar Forsgren, María Lorente Lamas, María José Sánchez Climent (2011) (Packaging Technology and Science) Volume 24, 401 - 417. doi:10.1002/pts.948

Physical and related sensory properties of a swallowable bolus

C. Loret, M. Walter, N. Pineau, M.A. Peyron, C. Hartmann, N. Martin (2011) (Physiology & Behavior) Volume 104, 855 - 864. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.05.014

Rat bioassay of the protein nutritional quality of soy-fortified sorghum biscuits for supplementary feeding of school-age children

Charlotte A Serrem, Henriëtte L de Kock, André Oelofse, John RN Taylor (2011) (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture) Volume 91, 1814 - 1821. doi:10.1002/jsfa.4389

Sensory comparison of commercial low and high oxygen modified atmosphere packed sirloin beef steaks

P.I. Zakrys-Waliwander, M.G. O'Sullivan, H. Walsh, P. Allen, J.P. Kerry (2011) (Meat Science) Volume 88, 198 - 202. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2010.12.027

Sensory local uniqueness of Danish honeys

Sandra Stolzenbach, Derek V. Byrne, Wender L.P. Bredie (2011) (Food Research International) Volume 44, 2766 - 2774. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.06.006

Sensory profiling of textural properties of meat from dairy cows exposed to a compensatory finishing strategy

Margrethe Therkildsen, Sandra Stolzenbach, Derek V. Byrne (2011) (Meat Science) Volume 87, 73 - 80. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2010.09.005
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