Danish Technological Institute (Sensory group)
Organisational form: association
Focus on: food
Major activities: Commercial contracts, consulting,
sensory and consumer research, and training
The Sensory Group at the Danish Technological Institute is Denmark's leading institute for accredited sensory tests and consumer tests within the consulting and contract work field. The Sensory Group was founded in 1993, and has been part of the Danish Technological Institute since January 1, 2004.
One of its major activities is contract work for clients. The work is primarily related to product development, product optimisation and process optimisation. The most important methods for these assignments are various sensory tests, e.g. descriptive and discriminative tests conducted by a trained panel, or quantitative and qualitative consumer tests, e.g. preference tests and focus groups.
The institute offers training courses in the organisation of internal panels and arranges specific company courses in sensory analysis.
A special focus of the sensory group is on research in dynamic flavour release. Sensory time intensity methods linked with olfactometric and retronasal measurements are studied. In the majority of projects the research is directly applicable to the needs of our industrial partners.
The members of the sensory team have from 4 to 11 years of experience in sensory analysis. They combine competencies in food science and technology, chemometrics, and nutrition. The team also works closely with a psychologist who has experience in specific consumer tests. The Sensory Group has expertise in virtually every food and drink product group as well as tobacco products, pet food, and packaging materials.