Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal (ESB-UCP)

Organisational form: private, Faculty of the Portuguese Catholic University

Focus on: food and nutrition science

Major activities: education, research, training, consulting and commercial contracts


ESB is a faculty of the Portuguese Catholic University. Since its establishment in 1984, ESB has orientated its academic and other activities towards the needs of the agro-foods sector.

The faculty currently offers Bsc degree programmes, including a) Bioengeneering - food sector; b) Nutrition Sciences and c) Microbiology. At the post-graduate level, ESB offers a range of post-graduate diplomas, masters degrees (including full programmes in oenology and innovation in the food Industry – both with significant sensory components) and PhD degree in Biotechnology.

With nearly 50 ESB PhD researchers, the R&D section (CBQF) is closely linked to the graduate programmes. It operates within national and international networks and involves intensive direct collaboration with private companies. ESB's R&D activities are complemented by training activities (courses and seminars) held in our modern training centre. ESB also performs consultancy for a variety of outside organizations. These services are conducted in state-of-the-art installations, including fully equipped and staffed ISO 17025-accredited laboratories and sensory facilities.

In the area of food consumer science we focus in a complementary way in:

i) Sensory evaluation with trained expert sensory panels and consumer panels, and in

ii) analysis of attitudes and behavior, exploration of perceptions and preferences by using qualitative and quantitative methods. Our team provides a range of food-related consumer science services.




Maria Joao Monteiro

Escola Superior de Biotecnologia
Rua Dr. António Bernardino Almeida
4200-072 Porto Portugal

e-mail: mjmonteiro [@]